Texas Hold'Em Tips from The Poker Practice
Now that you've acquired your basic knowledge of the game, it's time to get to the fun part: strategizing. In a game as complicated and challenging as Texas Hold'em, you can be sure that there are a lot of different tips and tricks out there. These tips range in complexity from simple moves to tips that even the professionals have yet to fully master. We've searched many different sources to compile our list of the best professional Texas Hold'Em strategy. As you develop your own Texas Hold'Em strategy, put as many tips as possible into play - you're sure to discover a few that are particularly helpful to your poker style. Don't forget that practice makes perfect - try executing your strategy as many times as you like by playing free poker games at The Poker Practice.
- To avoid one of the pitfalls of new players, don't fold when you can check! Checking means that you pass the turn without betting-it's basically an opportunity to continue the game without investing any chips. If you were thinking about folding, but all of the players in front of you are checking, check as well.
- Don't hold high hopes for unrelated cards. Even if you have a 5 and a 2 with the potential of making a straight, the chances of this actually occurring are not worth betting on.
- Don't be afraid to fold if you have poor pocket cards. Folding is one of the commonly executed moves you'll see in professional tournaments. Remember that poker is a game of survival - by folding and not investing all of your chips, you preserve the chance to continue to the game's end.
- When you're holding a pocket pair, play high value pairs aggressively and low value pairs (6 or less) with caution.
- If you start out with a great pair of pocket cards, eliminate players before the Flop to increase your chances of winning. To do this, push the bets high before the Flop drops. Players who have bad pocket cards, but might get a lucky Flop, will be forced to fold.
- Study the community cards carefully. There's often more than one possible winning hand combination located within these five cards. If you forget which cards are there, or are so excited by something in your hand that you're closed to other possibilities, you may pay dearly for your lack of observation.
- During the course of the game, if you see that someone's chips are dwindling, try to eliminate the weak player. Force the player to go All-In by making a bet for his amount of chips - hopefully he'll lose the bet and be eliminated, bringing you one player closer to the top.
- Along the same line, be aware that players with small amounts of chips often try to raise bets to scare other players and win small pots, or even steal blinds. These players are trying to make fast money - don't let them start to gain in chip standing again.
- Play from your position. If you're an "early player, "play only strong hands you're ready to invest in because later players will likely raise.
- Play your cards "close to your vest."Keep your pocket cards hidden and play the game without revealing any emotions. Be aware of personal habits-twitches, smiles, phrases - that might give away your pocket cards. Maintain a poker face to keep your opponents guessing. Some professionals have taken to wearing sunglasses or hats to mask their expressions.
- Study the way your opponents play. Make observations about their playing style by trying to read "tells" or what they give away about their cards. For example, maybe Player X's eyes always light up when he likes the community card, or, when bluffing, Player Y constantly sips his drink.
- Lie. That's right, lie. In Texas Hold'em, this is called bluffing, and it's one of players' favorite tricks. Bluffing is an art that can be used in many different ways to manipulate people into thinking that they know your intentions. While difficult to master, bluffing can transform your entire game, so it's worth practicing the technique.
- Take advantage of casino bonus code and poker bonuses to help boost your roll. If you loss your money too fast with their free chips, try out another casino or poker.