Tag: GuangDong Ltd Asia Millions Main Event

  • Gus Hansen loses Passport, prevented from playing 2013 WSOP

    The 2013 World Series of Poker is one-third of the way finished and almost all of poker’s biggest names are in attendance…the keyword being “almost” every star player. Gus Hansen has been one of the most notable absentees from the 2013 WSOP thus far, and he’s got a very good reason for missing the early…

  • Niklas Heinecker wins 2013 GDAM and $4.46m

    The innagural GuangDong Ltd Asia Millions (GDAM) Main Event was a huge success after 71 players paid the HK$1,000,000 (US$130,000) buy-in. 54 of these grinders opted to rebuy after busting, and the buy-ins/rebuys combined to create a massive HK$119,375,000 ($15,376,897) prize pool. Germany’s Niklas Heinecker took full advantage of this giant pool as he won…