Tag: Isildur1

  • Viktor Blom, Gus Hansen dropped by Full Tilt Poker

    Sponsored pros were once a staple of the online poker industry. But Viktor ‘Isildur1′ Blom and Gus Hansen recently found out the hard way that this is no longer the case these days. Both were let go by Full Tilt Poker in a move that’s officially disbanded “The Professionals.” Blom, Hansen and Tom Dwan were…

  • Viktor Blom answers Poker’s Tough Questions during FTP Challenge

    Viktor “Isildur1” Blom recently took on 100 challengers at Full Tilt Poker during a promotion. And Blom was his usual self, multi-tabling heads-up sit and go’s against five players at a time. In the end, he was able to beat 62 of the 100 challengers, which was pretty good considering how he was multi-tabling. However,…

  • Viktor Blom continues Amazing Year, wins SCOOP Main Event

    We’ve seen no shortage of Viktor “Isildur1” Blom in the poker news headlines this year since he’s had an incredible run in online cash games. And Blom has proven to be multi-dimensional after winning the 2013 PokerStars SCOOP Main Event High along with nearly $1.1 million. Many of poker’s elite bought into this $10,300 tourney,…

  • Negreanu and Isildur1 Split SuperStar Showdown Matches

    In one of the most anticipated events in online poker history, Daniel Negreanu recently agreed to take Viktor “Isildur1” Blom on in two PokerStars SuperStar Showdown matches. If you’re unfamiliar with this event, it involves Blom challenging a different player every so often to 2,500 hands of $50/$100 No-Limit Hold’em, and the players multi-table four…