Posts Tagged ‘poker betting’

Betting Tips For Free Poker Games

Thursday, December 9th, 2010

If the title of this post caused you to raise an eyebrow, thinking to yourself, “What do betting tips have to do with free poker games?” you aren’t alone. A lot of online poker players don’t see any correlation between free and real money poker games on the web. However, playing free poker online can actually be a great way to practice and improve your poker betting skills. Keep reading for a few tips.

For starters, when you play free poker online it is important to play as if you were playing with your real money. What does that mean? Basically, don’t go raising $10,000 on a hand if that’s not something you would do in real life. You want to simulate real money play so that you will be used to the betting sizes and the idea of playing with your own money when you actually start playing with your own bankroll.

When playing free poker you should also focus on learning when you should bet and when you should fold. If you have a hand that you know isn’t good enough to win then you are better off folding. Sure, you could bluff and stay in, but if another player calls you on your bluff then you will lose more money than you have to.

When playing free poker a lot of players take betting liberties that they couldn’t afford to or wouldn’t when they were playing with their own money. Try to play as you would with your own bankroll to make free poker a great tool for improving your poker betting skills.

Poker Betting Tips

Thursday, March 11th, 2010

Playing poker for real money can be fun and exciting. However, a problem that many poker players face-and especially newbies-is a lack of knowledge about how to bet. A lot of players think that by randomly changing up the amounts of their bets they can keep their opponents guessing. However, without a basic knowledge of how to bet when you play poker for real money it can be challenging to build your poker bankroll.

The first rule of poker betting is that you should make big wagers when you want to bet. Betting big serves a dual purpose. For starters, the larger the wagers you make the more money you will get into the pot. After all, you want the pot to be as large as possible when you win! When you place big wagers you also succeed in getting players who aren’t sure about their hands to fold, clearing the way for you to take the pot.

If you are sure that you have a good hand at the beginning of the game, pre-flop, then you want to get as many players to fold as possible before the flop. You can do so by placing a bet worth up to three or four times the big blind. Then, as the game progresses you should increase your bets in order to get more players to fold. Placing pot-sized bets or larger in the later rounds of the game can achieve this objective.

You can practice betting with a free poker game online or begin with low limit games while you learn and improve your betting skills.