Posts Tagged ‘tips’

To Bluff Or Not To Bluff? That Is The Question

Thursday, January 13th, 2011

When it comes to bluffing in poker, either you’ve got it or you don’t. Some players are masters at bluffing while others are dead giveaways every time. If you are one of those players who haven’t quite got bluffing down yet, here are a few tips to help you along your way.

For starters, you don’t want to become known as a bluffer so don’t bluff on a majority of hands. When you do that it’s like the boy who cried wolf—the other players will expect that you’re bluffing and will call you on it. Bluffing works best when you use it so rarely that no one sees it coming. If you usually only go into the showdown with great hands then you are building up your bluff equity, so when you do bluff everyone will think you’re telling the truth.

Before you bluff you should also consider the type of hands that the other players who are still in are holding. If you suspect that one of the other players has the nuts or a really strong hand then you may want to call it quits rather than bluff a good hand and lose even more money.

Finally, understand that the higher the stakes the better at bluffing your opponents will be and the harder it will be to read them. Start out with free poker and low stakes poker games to practice your bluffing skills and then work your way up through the stakes as you improve.

Betting Tips For Free Poker Games

Thursday, December 9th, 2010

If the title of this post caused you to raise an eyebrow, thinking to yourself, “What do betting tips have to do with free poker games?” you aren’t alone. A lot of online poker players don’t see any correlation between free and real money poker games on the web. However, playing free poker online can actually be a great way to practice and improve your poker betting skills. Keep reading for a few tips.

For starters, when you play free poker online it is important to play as if you were playing with your real money. What does that mean? Basically, don’t go raising $10,000 on a hand if that’s not something you would do in real life. You want to simulate real money play so that you will be used to the betting sizes and the idea of playing with your own money when you actually start playing with your own bankroll.

When playing free poker you should also focus on learning when you should bet and when you should fold. If you have a hand that you know isn’t good enough to win then you are better off folding. Sure, you could bluff and stay in, but if another player calls you on your bluff then you will lose more money than you have to.

When playing free poker a lot of players take betting liberties that they couldn’t afford to or wouldn’t when they were playing with their own money. Try to play as you would with your own bankroll to make free poker a great tool for improving your poker betting skills.

Easing Yourself Into Aggressive Poker Play

Wednesday, July 28th, 2010

If you are new to playing poker for real money or are just a generally tight poker player it can be a little nerve wrecking when you think about playing aggressively. After all, if you play aggressively in a high stakes game and lose then you can stand to lose quite a bit of your poker bankroll. However, sometimes you have to play aggressively if you want to maximize your winnings. The following tips can help you ease yourself into playing poker aggressively so that you can maximize your poker winnings.

If you are thinking about playing more aggressively, the first thing you need to think about is your bankroll. You want to play in a game with limits that are affordable, so that even if you play aggressively and lose you won’t be left with nothing. You should try to choose a game with limits that will allow you to make between 200 to 300 big bets, or even more. For instance, if you’ve got only $80 to play with then you don’t want to play in a $2/$4 limit game. It is much better for your bankroll to choose a $0.10/$0.25 game. This way, even if you lose on an aggressive play you aren’t going to eat much of your bankroll.

Also, before you start playing aggressively you want to master strategy. Start out with a free poker game while you are learning about odds and strategy. You only want to play aggressively when you’ve got the nuts and are pretty confident you have a good chance of winning.

Tips for Free Poker Players

Wednesday, February 10th, 2010

A lot of people enjoy playing free poker just for fun. However, for me one of the best things about playing poker for free is that it’s a great opportunity to practice and improve without spending money. If you are looking to improve your poker skills by playing a free game of poker online then the following tips should help you make the most of your experience.

One of the biggest mistakes players make when practicing with a free poker game is taking advantage of the fun money bankroll. When you have an unlimited bankroll you may think you should play like a high roller and bet the max on every hand. In actuality, if you are practicing to play with your own money then you should play exactly as you will when your actual bankroll is on the line. Set limits for yourself, practice your money management skills and know when to stop and walk away. Choose a free game with similar limits to those you would play at if you were playing with your own money.

Additionally, since you are playing for free why not try out a variety of different poker games? You can try Texas Hold’em, Omaha, Caribbean Stud, 5 Card Draw or any other poker games you haven’t played before. When you play for free you have the unique opportunity to try things out and who knows? Maybe there’s a poker game out there for you that you never even knew existed!

Tips for Building Your Poker Bankroll

Thursday, November 26th, 2009

If you are playing poker online for real money, one of the most important things is your poker bankroll. You need money to play the game and you don’t want to wind up in a constant cycle of depositing money, losing it all, depositing more and losing it all again and again. The following tips can help you build your bankroll and keep from running it right back into the ground.

For starters, you’ll want to start building your bankroll in your every day life before you start to play poker for real money. Put aside a little bit every week and once you have a good amount start using it to play poker. Keep in mind that your poker money will be used only to play poker and that you will never break into your non-poker bank account to play poker. If you want to avoid big losses it’s important to keep your poker money separate from the rest of your money.

When you are playing real money games it is important to choose betting limits that match your bankroll. If you play at a high limit table with a tiny bankroll it will be gone before you know it. As a rule of thumb, play at limits that you could afford at least 200 big blinds in. When it comes to tournaments, never enter a tournament with a buy-in that is more than 1% of your bankroll.

If you stick to these simple tips you can build a strong poker bankroll and hold on to it.