Mike Matusow Bitter over Full Tilt Poker

With his fanny pack and big attitude, Mike Matusow recently did an interview about his lack of a Full Tilt Poker contract.

Matusow is fresh off of winning the 2013 NBC National Heads-Up Poker Championship ($750,000) – a tournament where he had to overcome 12-time WSOP bracelet winner Phil Hellmuth in the finals. With that being said, “The Mouth” is simply dumbfounded as to why Full Tilt wouldn’t renew a contract with him because obviously he still has what it takes to make them money.

Matusow expressed his extreme annoyance about FTP signing Viktor Blom, Gus Hansen, and Tom Dwan after they reopened. He stated, “You know, I was hoping to catch back on with Full Tilt. But they don’t want me, it looks like.” He added, “I don’t know why – I’m a walking billboard. It’s crazy, I walk around here and everybody knows who I am. Everybody wants pics and autographs.”

Matusow is a confident player and fully believes he is being overlooked. He said “Why anybody wouldn’t want me to represent them is beyond me. But they wanna have these internet kids with no personalities and nobody even knows who they are. Hey I’m not gonna beg somebody to make them money. I know what I bring to the table.”

He even pulls out some low blows by saying that Blom and Hansen were “stone degenerates who go in and out of money every week.” Of course, this may just have been the tampons talking that were in his fanny pack. It’s unfortunate that Matusow has become a bitter menopausal over the situation; but hopefully he will catch the eye of another well known online poker room and have more success with them after the NBC victory.
