Poker Pro Jeff Madsen Moving To Israel On A Prop Bet

As if the world of professional poker wasn’t exciting enough, many poker players have been known to up the ante with personal prop bets. Over the years, prop bets have resulted in vegan poker players eating meat, players golfing for $18,000 per hole, running marathons and more. However, for the first time in history a player is moving to Israel on a prop bet!

Jeff Madsen posted his bizarre prop bet on Twitter with the tweet, “Just accepted a sick prop bet: I have to move to Israel until the World Series, no outside contact with friends, no cell phone, etc. 50k bet.” Madsen leaves for Israel tomorrow, April 15. He must stay in Israel until the start of the World Series of Poker on May 28.

How did this crazy prop bet come about? Madsen says he met a rich businessman at a charity event a few weeks ago and the subject of crazy prop bets came up. Madsen said he needed some extra money and the businessmen propositioned him with the idea of moving to Israel for 50k. Madsen agreed.

This isn’t the first crazy prop bet for Madsen. He recently was involved in a bet with Joe Sebok and Gavin Smith in which the first two players to bust out of the game would get a tattoo of the winner’s face. Madsen was second to bust out and got Smith’s face tattooed on his body.