Scott Matusow and Mike Matusow reconcile

Three weeks ago, an abrupt feud between poker pro Mike Matusow and his brother Scott Matusow was dominating the poker news headlines. The fight started when Mike Matusow dissed his brother for promoting a negative article about Phil Ivey and Full Tilt Poker through Mike’s twitter feed.

Then Scott Matusow wrote an unflattering post about Mike entitled An open letter to Mike Matusow. The jest of the post was that Mike is a degenerate gambler who only comes around his family when he needs something. In any case, I got to wondering about how things would be over the holidays when the Matusow brothers got together again. And apparently, they’ve already reconciled as Scott mentioned in his most recent blog post.

The most telling excerpt from the blog post read as follows:

There was a good deal of somewhat heated convo, but I was able to get my point across to him pertaining to the things I wrote on my last blog. I stated to him that I did not want to publicly air our stuff out, but that I felt I did not have a choice in the matter, since talking to him privately up to this point, and getting him to listen was a virtual impossibility. It seems that he now understands things much better, and he expressed to me he wished I did not publicly do what I did. However, I did apologize and explain it was not meant to hurt him, and explained to him why I did and both of us have come to a common understanding over this issue.

Is this the end of the drama for the Matusow’s? With two such explosive characters so closely related, it seems unlikely, but only time will tell. As for Mike Matusow, the former Full Tilt Poker pro continues to play in tournaments and build upon his impressive $7,828,911 in career cashes. Scott Matusow appears to be posting on his blog every once and a while, and benefits from his relationship to Mike.