Tag: Annie Duke

  • Does the Global Poker League stand a Chance?

    Taking a cue from sports leagues like the NBA and NFL, Global Poker Index founder Alex Dreyfus recently announced the formation of the “Global Poker League,” or GPL for short. While few details are known on the GPL, this poker league follows up on Dreyfus’ mission to sportify the game and make it more entertaining…

  • WSOP’s Jeffrey Pollack still kicking, wants NHL in Vegas

    Thought Jeffrey Pollack would fade away into the woodwork after the Epic Poker League disaster? Not a chance as the former EPL Executive Chairman and ex-WSOP Commissioner is on to a new venture: working with billionaire William Foley. And as the New York Post reports, Foley’s biggest pursuit right now is trying to bring an…

  • Daniel Negreanu reveals why he chose PokerStars over FTP, UB and Party

    It seems like Daniel Negreanu has been the face of PokerStars forever. So it’s hard to remember him representing a different online poker site at any point in time. However, going back to 2004, Kid Poker was actually involved in his own poker room called FullContactPoker. Some players today may recognize this site because it’s…

  • UltimateBeat Documentary to be released this Month

    For the past few years, poker investigator/blogger Scott Bell has been compiling evidence on the UltimateBet cheating scandal, which saw dozens of high stakes players defrauded by superusers. And now, Bell is set to release his documentary via Video on Demand on October 22nd. Bell’s production company, Doublehead Pictures, explained what players can expect with…

  • Did Annie Duke cheat at UB Poker?

    The biggest poker story from last week involved audio tapes being released that finally prove who was involved in the UB “God Mode” cheating scandal (2003-2007). In the tape, Russ Hamilton, Iovation CEO Greg Pierson, and Ultimate Bet lawyers, Daniel Friedberg and Sanford “Sandy” Millar all discuss how Hamilton cheated players out of millions through the…

  • Daniel Negreanu involved in Another Controversy

    Famed poker pro Daniel Negreanu has never been one to back down from controversy. He was the most vocal pro when it came to bashing those who ran Full Tilt Poker intothe ground, and the Canadian has frequently ripped Annie Duke and her brother Howard Lederer. However, he recently found someone outside of the poker…

  • Epic Poker League could be in Trouble

    If you listen to Commissioner Annie Duke, you’d think that the Epic Poker League was the greatest thing to happen to poker. But if you pay attention to recent reports by several poker news outlets, you might conclude an entirely different thought. After all, it’s being reported that Pinnacle Entertainment is currently talking to EPL…

  • Poker Hall of Fame, EPT San Remo Updates

    There are some big updates in the poker world to report dealing with the Poker Hall of Fame and 2011 EPT San Remo tournament.  First off, Barry Greenstein and Linda Johnson were inducted into the Poker Hall of Fame yesterday. Barry Greenstein was a virtual lock after looking at the nominees, which included Annie Duke, Huck…

  • Poker Players Giving Back To The Community

    Poker players sometimes catch a bad rap for being involved with gambling. After all, the activity is not legal everywhere and the game is often associated with mobsters and con men. That’s why I always like to see professional poker players giving back to the community, showing the world that we’re completely legit. This Thursday…

  • Annie Duke Releases Free Poker App For iPhone

    I’ve mentioned time and time again the playing free poker online is one of the best ways to practice and improve your poker skills. Annie Duke is taking free poker practice to the next level with her new iPhone app, Annie Duke Poker Tutor. Annie Duke’s iPhone application offers poker players the chance to be…